Myco-Metabolic Panel

Uncovering Mold & Mycotoxin Exposures and Their Toxic Health Impacts

The Myco-Metabolic Panel integrates the MycoTOX Profile with the Organic Acids Test (OAT), providing synergistic insights into toxic mold exposure and its negative impacts on critical bodily functions like energy production, detoxification, and nutrients.

This powerful combination equips practitioners with patient insights to develop personalized and comprehensive treatment plans for mold exposure, while directly addressing underlying health issues for improved outcomes.

Turnaround Time: 1-2 weeks

Turnaround times are estimates. Detailed order tracking is available in the MosaicDX Portal.

What Patients Might Benefit from the Myco- Metabolic Panel?

Symptoms and disease states associated with mycotoxin exposure, nutritional deficiencies, and other metabolic imbalances include the following:

  • ADHD
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis
  • Alzheimer's
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Bronchitis
  • Cognitive Impairments
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive Issues
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Infertility
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Intestinal Permeability
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Lyme
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Obesity
  • Schizophrenia
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Sinus/Nasal Congestion
  • Skin Conditions
  • Sneezing
  • Sore Throat
  • Tick-Born Infections


Why Test?

Mold exposure is more common and can have significant health consequences than you may realize, but with MosaicDX’s testing, you can make informed decisions to improve your quality of life.

With the Myco-Metabolic Panel, you can take control of your health, uncovering mycotoxin exposure and its negative impacts on bodily processes critical to good health. This comprehensive test combination offers clarity and valuable insights for you and your practitioner to effectively address health challenges.

  • Evaluates the 11 most prevalent and harmful mycotoxins produced by molds.
  • Comprehensive view of 76 key markers tied to gut health, neurotransmitters, energy production, nutritional status, detoxification capability, and beyond.
  • Convenient, at-home sampling for everyone, without invasive procedures.
  • Utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver highly specific and accurate test results.

What are Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by certain types of molds – microscopic filamentous fungi that are pervasive in both outdoor and indoor environments. Mycotoxins pose a serious public health threat, and can cause a number of chronic health problems, such as kidney damage, liver damage, immune suppression, and certain types of cancer. Mycotoxins have also been associated with a number of complex chronic conditions

What are Organic Acids?

Organic acids are products of the body’s metabolic pathways. Evaluation of these downstream metabolites from various metabolic pathways provides insight into key physiologic areas that can contribute to the development of chronic diseases and conditions:

• Gut Health
• Mitochondrial Dysfunction
• Neurotransmitter Status
• Detoxification
• Macronutrient Breakdown
• Nutritional Status


The Myco-Metabolic Panel is composed of The Organic Acids Test and MycoTOX Profile, this panel provides a comprehensive view of the 76 key markers in the OAT along with 11 of the most prevalent and harmful mycotoxins produced by molds.

Organic Acids
HPHPA (Clostridia marker)
4-Cresol (C. difficile)
DHPPA (beneficial bacteria)
Homovanillic Acid (HVA)
Vanillmandelic Acid (VMA)
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic (5-HIAA)
Dihydroxyphenylacetic (DOPAC)
Methylmalonic (Vitamin B12)
Pyridoxic (Vitamin B6)
Pantothenic (Vitamin B5)
Glutaric (Vitamin B2-Riboflavin)
Ascorbic (Vitamin C)
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric (Vitamin Q10-CoQ10)
N-Acetylcysteine (Glutathione precursor and chelating agent)
Methylcitric (Vitamin H-Biotin)


MycoTOX Profile

An aflatoxin of concern, AFM1, is a hydroxylated metabolite of AFB1 and is secreted in the milk of both humans and animals.

Ochratoxin A (OTA) which is the most prevalent, toxic, and clinically relevant fungal toxin of this mycotoxin group. While it has been associated with numerous negative health impacts, the kidney has been noted to be its main target organ – and studies indicate its association with nephrotoxicity in humans and animals.

Tricothecenes are extremely potent inhibitors of protein synthesis and have been described to have wide-ranging negative systemic effects including immunotoxicity (immunosuppression), gastrointestinal toxicity, neurotoxicity, and dermatologic manifestations.

The main toxic effect of Zearalenone relates to its endocrine disruptive capabilities and as such, resultant negative reproductive effects in humans and animals.

Chaetomium globosum is frequently isolated from materials found in water-damaged buildings – and is often referred to as ‘black mold.’

ENB has been shown to have endocrine disrupting properties as well as the ability to cross the blood brain barrier in in vitro assays.

Airborne Aspergillus fungal spores are ubiquitous in many environments making potential exposure to gliotoxin common. Gliotoxins have been found on linoleum flooring and wallpaper in water damaged buildings, as well as silage and other animal food stocks.

MPA is used as an immunosuppressive drug for the prevention of transplant rejection in the form of sodium mycophenolate (Myfortic™, Novartis) and a pro-drug, mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept™, Roche) – and as a result, its levels may be elevated on diagnostics in patients using these pharmaceuticals.

Sterigmatocystin is a precursor of aflatoxin B1 in fungi capable of producing aflatoxins. Despite the similarity of chemical structure of these two mycotoxins, Sterigmatocystin has been noted to be a less potent carcinogen than Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). It is classified as a Group 2B carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Exposure to CTN has been linked to the development of nephropathy, which is caused by CTN’s ability to increase the permeability of mitochondrial membranes in the kidneys. Rat studies have demonstrated that CTN is carcinogenic. Furthermore, several studies have linked exposure to CTN with a suppression of the immune response.

Sample Reports

The Myco-Metabolic Panel provides individual test reports for the Organic Acids Test and MycoTOX Profile. These test reports offer valuable insights for practitioners seeking comprehensive understanding of their patients’ potential mold and mycotoxin exposure and health impacts.

Test Prep and Instructions

MosaicDX offers patient-friendly sample collection kits that make testing simple. Each kit includes:

  • Visual, step-by-step instructions for test preparation and sample collection.
  • Personalized shipping cards.
  • Pediatric collection bags if needed.

With just one easy urine sample collection, patients can confidently and accurately collect their samples.

Patient Resources

Explore our assets designed to help practitioners educate and support patients about mold exposure and the MosaicDX Myco-Metabolic Panel. These resources enhance patient understanding, decision-making, and overall health journey:

  • Patient Brochure: A comprehensive guide that explains the importance of mycotoxin testing and how the Myco-Metabolic Panel can benefit patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Acremonium sp.
F. graminearum
Phoma sp.
F. incarnatum
A. flavipes
F. moniliforme
Aspergillus flavus
F. solani
A. fumigatus
F. verticillioides
S. chartarum
A. niger
Myrothecium roridum
Trichoderma viride
A. ochraceus
M. verrucaria
A. parasiticus
Fusarium avenaceum
Penicillium carbonarius
A. sydowii
F. cerealis
P. nordicum
A. versicolor
F. clumonrum
P. stoloniferum
A. viridictum
F. equiseti
P. verrucosum

Mycotoxins are low molecular weight, secondary metabolites of fungal (mold) compounds which are increasingly recognized as a global health threat given their role in precipitating both acute and chronic adverse health outcomes.

  • Common fungi sources of mycotoxins include species such as Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, and Claviceps. To date nearly 400 potentially toxic mycotoxins produced by more than 100 fungi species have been identified, although research has focused on the most toxigenic in the public health, veterinary, and agricultural realms.
  • Exposure to mycotoxins may occur through a variety of routes such as inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact from airborne mold spores, food contamination, and water-damaged building environments.
  • Susceptibility to mycotoxins is influenced by a patient’s age, sex, presence of other underlying diseases and/or exposures, nutritional status, and length of exposure.
  • While mycotoxin toxicity may present as an acute state marked by rapid onset with potential life-threatening illness, most of the negative health impacts observed in the developed (Western) world are due to chronic, low-dose exposures. These long-term exposures have been associated with a variety of systemic effects (mycotoxicoses) in both humans and animals – and most commonly manifest as nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, immunosuppression, carcinogenicity, and teratogenicity.

Acute mycotoxin effects are characterized by rapid onset and toxic response in the target organ most affected by the offending agent.

As an example, consumption of large doses of aflatoxins can result in life-threatening, acute poisoning (aflatoxicosis) due to detrimental impact on the liver.

Acute mycotoxin effects are more frequently observed in economically poorer global areas where sub-optimal food cultivation, harvesting, and storage practices are common; malnutrition is a constant presence; and a poor regulatory environment exists.

Chronic mycotoxin effects are characterized by lower exposure doses over longer periods of time – and symptoms attributed to chronic mycotoxin exposure are wide-ranging in their impact on an array of physiologic systems and functions.

As expected with the clinical standard of care, results from any diagnostic test – including those of the MycoTOX profile – should always be considered within the context of each patient’s unique history and clinical presentation. Given that, the information provided on potential therapeutic support for patients with mycotoxin exposure is provided for educational purposes only.

In general, practitioners working with patients with mold and/or mycotoxin exposure focus on three key clinical areas:

  • Addressing Mycotoxin Exposure
  • Supporting the Foundations of Health
  • Judicious Use of Supplements and/or Pharmaceuticals

Address Mycotoxin Exposure

First-Line Remediation/Defense: Removal/Avoidance of the Offending Agent

The first line of defense against mycotoxin exposure – as with any toxin or toxicant – is identification and remediation of the source of exposure with the goal of preventive exposure strategies going forward.

Support the Foundations of Health

Focus on Critical Lifestyle and Physiologic Elimination Functions

Optimize Elimination

  • Gut Function
    • Support phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification
    • Provide treatments aimed at abnormalities in gut microflora and functioning; probiotics, treating infections and avoiding food allergens.
  • Hydration
    • Support elimination/excretion via the kidney
  • Sweating (movement, saunas, etc.)
    • Support elimination/excretion via dermal routes

Optimize Nutrition

  • Focus on a whole foods diet to maximize fiber and nutrient density

Judicious Use of Supplements and/or Pharmaceuticals

Personalization of the therapeutic journey is key as each patient’s presentation and history is unique.

Clinicians working with patients with mycotoxin exposure and/or symptoms may consider working with the following:

  • Foundational support
    • Multivitamin/mineral, probiotic (acidophilus + bifidus strains), antioxidants, and essential fatty acids
  • Detoxification support
    • NAC, glutathione
  • Binders
  • Anti-fungals
    • These pharmaceuticals should be assessed for use on a clinical case-by-case basis ONLY given challenges related to their potential, significant side-effects.

Application of the creatinine correction is a technique to reduce excessive variation in urine test results due to differences in fluid intake prior to collection of urine samples. Dividing the amount of a substance in urine by creatinine corrects for cases in which the patient may be dehydrated or excessively hydrated. In the case of dehydration, failure to perform creatinine correction might indicate that the person has toxic levels of mycotoxins when, in fact, the values are high just due to dehydration. With creatinine correction, such an error is avoided.

Together they provide necessary information about mycotoxin burden, nutritional need, mitochondrial function and detox capability in one, easy, urine sample.

Mold OvergrowthOrganic Acids Test:
GI tract invasive growth of metabolites of mycotoxins – aspergillus and fusarium
MycoTOX Profile:
Toxicity can happen independently or simultaneously with growth and colonization
Mycotoxin Potential ExposureX – 2 metabolites metabolite indicators aspergillus and fusariumX – 20 tests
Mycotoxin Toxic BurdenX
Mycotoxin Specific InfoX
Nutritional NeedX
Mitochondrial functionX
Detox capabilityX

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by certain types of molds – microscopic filamentous fungi that are pervasive in both outdoor and indoor environments. Common routes of exposure to these low-molecular weight compounds include inhalation, dermal contact, and ingestion via common contaminated food sources (corn, cereals, ground and tree nuts, spices, dried fruits, apples, coffee, meat, milk, and eggs).

Attention is increasingly being given to indoor air pollution resulting not only from the influx of irritant agents (spores, pollens) from the outdoor environment, but also from the growth of molds, fungi and bacteria on almost all indoor materials (drywall, paint, wallpaper, carpeting, etc.) when excessive moisture is present in high humidity geographic areas or water-damaged buildings. The growth of these biological agents in damp environments leads to the production of spores, cells, fragments and volatile organic compounds which have been linked to a wide range of health hazards, including exacerbation of asthma as well as allergic and infectious respiratory diseases infections.

Adverse health effects may be acute or chronic in nature, and the degree of impact can vary depending on the age, sex, genetics, and underlying health status of the exposed individual, as well as the duration and dose magnitude of the offending substance and their synergistic effects with other mycotoxins.

Because mycotoxins are byproducts of mold metabolism, clinicians assessing symptomatic patients with known mold exposure – or with an environmental history concerning for mold exposure – will also need to consider the concomitant presence of mycotoxins and their potential negative health impact as well.

The MycoTOX profile is designed to accurately detect mycotoxins produced by various toxic molds. However, it does not indicate the location or source of the mold, whether it is in your home, workplace, or elsewhere. Mycotoxin exposure can come from both dietary and environmental sources. Spoiled food is a dietary source, while living or working in water-damaged buildings, airborne or physical contact with outdoor molds, and airborne dust in buildings containing mold spores are environmental sources. 

Currently, there are no established guidelines for retesting mycotoxins after intervention. However, some healthcare providers recommend retesting at 3-6 months, 12 months, and annually as part of a wellness screen. Individuals with severe mold and mycotoxin-related illnesses may require more frequent testing. 

Patients with high toxic levels are at greater risk of concomitant exposure from all toxins. For patients with specific exposure history, practitioners can order individual panels or combine profiles to identify or more rapidly reduce or remove multiple sources of toxin exposure:

These test can all be done from one urine sample:

The OAT or MOAT is typically not affected by antibiotics or antifungal medications, unless they contain certain fruits like apples, grapes, pears, or cranberries. However, it’s important for both the patient and practitioner to consider the purpose of the test when deciding whether to avoid these medications. For instance, if the practitioner is interested in evaluating the effectiveness of a particular therapy, it may be acceptable for the patient to continue taking the medication during the test. On the other hand, if the patient wants to determine their metabolic condition without any influence from medication, it’s advisable to discontinue the antibiotics or antifungals for a period of 1-2 weeks before the test. 

Use of organic acids to provide insight into functional metabolic imbalances has evolved from historic diagnostic testing to investigate inborn errors of metabolism (IEM).

While the OAT is not designed specifically to diagnose classically defined IEMs, persistent marked elevations in OAs noted on the profile may indicate an undiagnosed underlying metabolic pathway defect. As such, further clinical investigation via an individual patient’s clinical presentation and the results of complementary laboratory tests may be warranted to guide more specific testing.

IEM are a class of inborn errors of metabolic pathways that are marked by accumulation (and usually toxic) organic acid metabolites in blood (i.e., organic acidemias) and increased excretion of organic acids in urine (i.e., organic acidurias). While individual IEMs are rare that typically become apparent clinically during the newborn period or early infancy, though milder – and even asymptomatic – forms may emerge in adolescence and adulthood.

Because of the life-threatening metabolic disturbances (acidosis and ketosis) that are associated with IEMs, an entire field of preconception and postnatal screening has arisen. Current newborn screening includes assessment of 34 core conditions which allows for early treatment intervention should a positive finding result.

Almost all organic acids used for human testing are measured by a combination of gas or liquid chromatography linked with mass spectrometry. Organic acids are most commonly analyzed in urine because they are not extensively reabsorbed in the kidney tubules after glomerular filtration. Thus, organic acids in urine are often present at 100 times their concentration in the blood serum and thus are more readily detected in urine. This is why organic acids are rarely tested in blood or serum. The number of organic acids found in urine is enormous. Over 1,000 different organic acids have been detected in urine since this kind of testing started.

•Organic acidic products of cellular metabolism that are excreted in urine (in mammals)

oProduced by living organisms including humans, bacteria, and fungi

oEvaluation of these downstream products of metabolic pathways provides insight into potential nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, toxicity, and other imbalances that could be contributing to clinical complaints

•Origins of Organic Acid Testing

oTo rule out rare Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM)- usually in infancy

oElevations of these organic acids (OA) reflect dysfunction in specific metabolic pathways

§Accumulation of these toxic metabolites can by life-threatening

§Symptoms observed in the newborn period include poor feeding and weight gain; nausea and vomiting; neuromuscular issues (e.g., poor tone, seizures); and susceptibility to infection

Use of OAs have evolved from investigating IEM to providing insight into functional metabolic imbalances.

The following tests provide valuable insight into metabolism, nutrient needs, food sensitivities and metal toxicity.

Have a question? We've got answers.

Our team of experts can help you find exactly what you need. Contact us now and let's get started.

Clinical References


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